In All The Minutes Ever
15 - 18 March 2012, Platform Islington
A new play about time, new schools, photographs, memory, love affairs, making friends, exams, life and sandcastles.
In All the Minutes Ever emerged from an exploration of time. Slow time, fast time, no-time. Astro-physics, time-travel, string theory. How we make memories, and how clocks work. Why one day time flies and the next it drags.
Created and performed by: Adi Abdiu, Aidan Robertson, Antione Bertin-Azille, Avigela Abdiu, Benjamin Daniels, Elijah Rose, Jodie Dickens, Georgie Stevens, Helawit Hailemariam, Jahmai Allen, Kassius Nelson, Kiki Bowen, Kofi Odoom, Larissa Fonseca, Megan Saunders, Pia Richards-Glockner, Rossano Dias, Roxlyne Quaye, Sam Head, Sama Aunallah, Samia Amao, Sophie Thomas, Segen Yosife, Soumia Sebbar, Tom Proctor, Vanessa Lopez & Yaamin Chowdhury
Directed by Ned Glasier & Emily Lim
Designer Charlie Damigos
Lighting Neil Dobbs
Stage Manager Sarah Stott
Production Gallery